Love the bonsai! Now with new tide, wind speed& direction makes this very useful app here at sea level in AK. Has been right on accurate for couple years now. Use it over NOAA.
Love the bonsai! Now with new tide, wind speed& direction makes this very useful app here at sea level in AK. Has been right on accurate for couple years now. Use it over NOAA.
Best Ive found! Good detail and more accurate than local network forecasts. Easy to use.
Being a data subscriber to Weatherwise, the company has a great app and future development of it will surpass The Weather Channel and Weather Underground. In future updates I would love to see them implement weather maps and some historical weather data for each city. The App has a user-friendly interface and a great look. I love the animated GIFs that actually matches the forecast or current conditions. This weather app is also very accurate. More so than the weather apps from providers like Comcast, where they could not get the temperature right at night when I walk my dog. Must have App.
Excellent weather app, love the animated scenes!
I loved this app but the latest update has caused the app to not work. Please fix it as soon as possible!
I really liked this app, but now it wont open? Disappointed! Please fix it! 4/30/15 6:48pm Its still not opening!!!!!! 4/30/15. 8:32pm 5/10/15. 2:45pm I am so happy that you fixed the problem & are back! Question: why didnt you notify me? 5/11/15. 4:56 pm My happiness was short lived! You did not fix this app! My location name appears, but no time & temp! Broken!!!! Now the message is "connection to weather service failed"!!!
Was enjoying this creative weather app. Spent $1.99 on a bundle of themes and none of them work. Very upset, hope this is fixed soon because its a shoddy way to treat people. Not happy.
I like this app a lot the tree is fabulous. Occasionally it doesnt update too well but otherwise its quite nice.
I liked this app from the very beginning and decided to purchase some themes. Logged in faithfully for the 30 days to get the tree theme. App disappeared from the store. Glad you were able to bring it back but where are my purchases!?? I was able to restore my purchases.
Best Ive found! Good detail and more accurate than local network forecasts.
This is a very attractive, sometimes whimsical weather app. It is a good bet for those who are bored with the straightforward ones. At first, it served mostly as a change of pace novelty, but, with improvements over time, it has grown into one of my favorites. It now can easily serve as ones primary weather app. Its as accurate as any. They all are subject to inexplicable deviations from reality from time to time, but that is the fault of the underlying weather service and/or individual reporting station, not the app per se. I use a couple of dozen weather apps (dont ask!) and find these variations occur randomly in most of them. The developer is very, very responsive, too.
Great weather app with fun appearances.
This weather app is spot on! I downloaded the animated background theme. From one of the featured artists. This app is very easy to use as well.
My favorite weather app hands down.
Beautiful app - I feel good even when the day calls for snow (yet again). Lock rotation is a pain, dont know why it cannot rotate.
Do not know when I started to use the app, but after several I phones it has been the most reliable ones that I have. What a simply beautiful way to tell the weather. Thank you. Cant think of another way to say it, :)
Best one Ive seen
This is good for a quick look at the weather. Seems accurate
Great App.! Love the Zen Tree theme.
Nothing too fancy, but gives you what you need in an easy-to-read format.